【mixing alcohol with shrooms】ECB will guarantee minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday - Hollande

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French President Francois mixing alcohol with shroomsHollande said on Tuesday the European Central Bank would ensure minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday, which is the last deadline to reach agreement on a new rescue package for Greece.

Speaking after an emergency meeting of euro zone leaders in Brussels, Hollande said a deal was still possible even if time was running short: "The ECB will ensure minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday," Hollande told a news conference.

【mixing alcohol with shrooms】ECB will guarantee minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday - Hollande

(Reporting by Julia Fioretti; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)

【mixing alcohol with shrooms】ECB will guarantee minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday - Hollande

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【mixing alcohol with shrooms】ECB will guarantee minimum liquidity for Greece until Sunday - Hollande

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